Current LinuxFocus articles:
- Linux in Science - Or How A Useful Neural Network Utility Was Developed, by Ralf Wieland
- The mystery of mount points, by Guido Socher
- Creating panoramic views using Hugin, Enblend and The Gimp, by Katja Socher
- Simple Animation, by Alexander Langer
- darkstat - a network traffic analyzer, by Mario M. Knopf

GNOME Journal articles for September 2004:
- Editor's Letter: by Jim Hodapp
- Looking at GNOME 2.8: by Sayamindu Dasgupta
- An Evolution 2.0 Review: by Jorge O. Castro
- Installing GNOME 2.8 on Debian GNU/Linux: by John Meuser
- Opinion: All Roads Lead to Freedesktop.org: by Sri Ramkrishna