...making Linux just a little more fun!
Q: What do I need to do to become an LG mirror maintainer or translator?
A: Step 1 Fill in the form just below, and send it to us at . This will result in your site being listed
on our "Mirrors/Translators" page, and your name and email address being
added to our (very low-traffic) "lg-mirrors" mailing list, where we can
notify you of any changes that affect content retrieval and other
mirror-relevant or translation-relevant issues.
Country (e.g., 'GB', 'FR', etc.): Language (for translators only): HTTP mirror: FTP mirror: Maintainer's name: Maintainer's email: Comments:
Step 2 (mirror maintainers only) Set up your monthly retrieval process. Our standard retrieval method is via rsync and FTP. Please set up your retrieval script as follows:
(For all of the following examples, HTTP_ROOT and FTP_ROOT are the directories on your host that you'll be making available via your HTTP/FTP servers. Note that our site's FTP_ROOT is a subdirectory immediately under HTTP_ROOT, so the first example will get both archives.)
# If you want the entire Linux Gazette archive: rsync -azv linuxgazette.net::lg-all /HTTP_ROOT # If you only want the HTTP files: rsync -azv --exclude /ftpfiles/ linuxgazette.net::lg-all /HTTP_ROOT # If you only want the FTP files: rsync -azv linuxgazette.net::lg-ftp /FTP_ROOT
Step 3 If you wish to be notified whenever the new issue of
LG comes out, send an email to or sign up at
In case of any further questions, please contact the LG Mirrors
and Translations maintainer ().
Last but definitely not least - thank you for participating in LG! By mirroring us, you're making the content more easily available to the people in your country/area/location, and letting more readers have "just a little more fun" with Linux. You have our thanks... and the thanks of all those who trade in the basic coin of Open Source - respect.
Welcome aboard.