#! /usr/bin/perl # Simple script to demonstrate the basics of gimp-perl use Gimp; use Gimp::Fu; register "colored_canvas", "Creates a colored canvas", "This script creates a canvas pattern over a color gradient", "Wolfgang Mauerer", "wolfgang\@mynetix.de", # @ must be written as \@ in a perl string "0.0", "/Xtns/Script-Fu/Patterns/Color Canvas", "", [], sub { my $image = new Image(640, 480, RGB); # Set new selections for the fore and background-color. Palette->set_foreground('red'); Palette->set_background('blue'); my $layer = $image->layer_new(640, 480, RGB_IMAGE, "Color Canvas", 100, NORMAL_MODE); # Create a color gradient with the choosen colors. Gimp->gimp_blend($layer, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 639, 379); # ... and apply the canvas filter Gimp->plug_in_apply_canvas($image, $layer, 0, 10); $image->add_layer($layer, 0); return $image; }; exit main;