import java.lang.*; import*; import*; import java.util.*; // this thread will handle each connection class handler extends Thread { // our local server's names and IP addresses String localhosts = new String("localhost julia"); int localport = 80; // our WinGate proxy's address String proxy = new String (""); int proxyport = 80; Socket sock = null; Socket f_sock = null; DataOutputStream os = null; DataInputStream is = null; PrintStream f_os = null; DataInputStream f_is = null; StringTokenizer st = null; // see if s2 contains s1 static boolean containsString (String s1, String s2) { boolean found = false; StringTokenizer st; String token = new String (); if (s2.length() > 0) { st = new StringTokenizer (s2); try { while (!found) { token = st.nextToken (); found = (token.compareTo (s1) == 0); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } return (found); } // see if s2 contains the parameter string defined by tag s1 String getParam (String s1, String s2) { StringTokenizer st; String token1 = new String (""); String token2 = new String (); if (s2.length() > 0) { st = new StringTokenizer (s2); try { token2 = st.nextToken (); if (token2.compareTo (s1) == 0) token1 = st.nextToken (); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } st = null; } return (token1); } // parent threads gives us our client socket number public void setSocket (Socket so) { sock = so; } public void run () { String host = new String (""); String request = new String (""); String s[]; s = new String[20]; int ns; int i; byte buffer[] = new byte[1024]; int lbuffer; String aux = new String (); try { is = new DataInputStream (sock.getInputStream ()); os = new DataOutputStream (sock.getOutputStream ()); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) s[i] = new String(" "); ns = 0; while (s[ns].length() > 0) { ns++; s[ns] = is.readLine(); aux = getParam ("Host:", s[ns]); if (aux.length() > 0) host = new String(aux); aux = getParam ("GET", s[ns]); if (aux.length() > 0) request = new String (aux); } System.out.print ("host: "); System.out.print (host); System.out.print (" request: "); System.out.print (request); if (containsString (host, localhosts)) { System.out.println (" - Sent to localhost"); f_sock = new Socket ("", localport); } else { System.out.println (" - Sent to proxy"); f_sock = new Socket (proxy, proxyport); } f_is = new DataInputStream (f_sock.getInputStream ()); f_os = new PrintStream (f_sock.getOutputStream ()); for (i = 1; i <= ns; i++) { f_os.print (s[i]); f_os.print ("\r\n"); } try { while ((lbuffer = (buffer, 1, 512)) > 0) os.write (buffer, 1, lbuffer); } catch (IOException e) { } f_is.close (); f_os.close (); f_sock.close (); is.close (); os.close (); sock.close (); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("Caught socket IO exception"); } } } // main class: listens on port myport, and when a connection comes in // creates a new handler thread for it public class proxy { static int myport = 8080; static public void main (String argv[]) { ServerSocket serv = null; Socket sock = null; handler h = null; try { serv = new ServerSocket (myport); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("Caught server IO exception"); System.exit (1); } while (true) { try { sock = serv.accept (); h = new handler (); h.setSocket (sock); h.start (); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("Caught IO exception closing server"); System.exit (1); } } } }