#!/bin/sh # Purpose: provide shortcut command to system init scripts # in /etc/init.d # # Note: I would prefer this to be a shell alias rather than a script. # However, aliases won't expand command line parameters. # echo "command = /etc/init.d/$1 $0" CMD=`echo $0 | cut -f5 -d/` # echo "CMD = $CMD" /etc/init.d/$1 $CMD exit 0 # All done # This doesn't work, as parm $0 includes the symlink path # /etc/init.d/"$1 $0" # The brute force method follows: if [ $0 = 'stop' ] ; then /etc/init.d/$1 stop elif [ $0 = 'restart' ] ; then /etc/init.d/$1 restart else /etc/init.d/$1 start fi